1. What is an Estate or Moving Sale?

Unlike a garage or yard sale, an estate or moving sale is on a much larger scale and is designed to sell any and all contents that remain in a home after a major life transition. These items are organized, priced, advertised, and sold to customers who freely walk throughout the home during a 2-3 day span.

2. What types of items can you sell?

We can sell everything from household cleaners and clothing, to luxury items such as fine jewelry, antiques, fine art, and much more.

3.Who qualifies for an estate or moving sale?

Anyone who has a home that will be for sale. Situations where an estate or moving sale makes sense:

  • Downsizing to a smaller home- Sale happens in the larger home you are leaving, once you have moved.
  • Moving to a senior living community such as independent living or assisted living- Sale happens in the home after you have moved to the facility.
  • Loss of a loved one- Most often the property is vacant and a sale can happen once the executor of the estate, friends, and family have determined what they are keeping.
  • Divorce- Sale happens after the splitting of assets, once both parties have found new locations.
  • Relocation, moving out-of-state, retirement- Sale happens once all items have been moved to the new location.

4. How do you establish prices for my items?

Our team is educated and trained on item evaluation. We use a variety of avenues, including exclusive forums, auction results, previous history of items in the local market, and private memberships, to determine item pricing. Our goal is to find a perfect price point that is not too high or too low, to ensure maximum sale profits.

5. Should I donate or throw anything away before I call?

No. Please do not focus on throwing anything away (unless the item is stained, soiled, expired, opened, torn/ripped, broken, rusty, pet stained, or otherwise unsaleable) or donating. Your main focus should be to identify items in the home that you would like to keep or will be going to family and friends. For example, browse through the kitchen. You may want to take 5 mugs, a dish set and some silverware. Box those items up, leave the rest in the cupboards and move on to the next room.

6. Do I need to do anything to prepare for a sale?

Identify items in the home that you would like to keep, or that are going to family and friends. We ask that you place a sticky note on these items so that they are easily identifiable during the initial consultation tour. If you do not want the item, please leave it where it is and we will handle it when our team gets started with staging and organizing.

7. How soon should I schedule my consultation?

It is never too early to schedule your free consultation. The sooner we can visit the home, the sooner when can get your home on track for success. The only preparation we require prior to scheduling this appointment, is to identify items in the home that you would like to keep or will be given to family or friends.

8. How do I schedule a free consultation?

Call us right now at (616) 606-0607, email us at fullcircleestatesales@gmail.com

or fill out the Contact Us form found here.

9. What happens after the consultation?

Depending on your time line, there will be one of two outcomes: We will remain in contact with you to receive updates on the status of your property and plan to schedule the sale after the home has secured a buyer OR if the home is vacant and prepared for a sale, we will move forward with choosing dates for the sale and contract signing.

10. Are there any upfront costs to me?

There are absolutely no upfront cost to you and the consultation is completely free.

11. During which stage of my transition does the sale take place?

Once the property is no longer occupied. This may happen before the listing of the home, to ensure the property is empty before real estate listing photos are taken, or after the home has sold just before the new owners move in. In any event, the estate or moving sale is tailored to fit within your specific time line and situation.

12. How quickly can I have my sale?

The sale can happen when the items you are looking to keep have been identified and the property is no longer occupied. Once these steps have been completed, we can solidify a date on our calendar. We suggest that you contact us 30 to 45 days prior to your ideal deadline, to schedule a free consultation. This is so we can do our best to accommodate your desired time frame.

13. What is your percentage? How much do you charge for a sale?

Our percentage varies. This percentage is determined during the free consultation and varies depending on the quality, condition, and quantity of the items for sale, and a few other factors that will vary from home to home. There is also an advertising fee of $250 to cover the paid and targeted marketing that we do on social media to drive traffic to your sale.

14. How long does the estate or moving sale process take?

The sale process typically takes 2 weeks from the first day we begin setup all the way to the clean-out and close of the sale. However, each home is unique and we tailor a specific plan for each of our clients. The amount of time it takes to properly stage, advertise, and host a sale can vary and will be determined during your initial consultation.

15. How much will my sale make?

The most it possibly can. We are good at what we do and we are on your side. Our team is trained to price items to sell for as much as they possibly can. We couple this with interior design principles and extensive advertising to sell a large percentage of what is in the home to maximize your profits.

16. How do you advertise?

We tailor an advertising strategy to each home to ensure items of all value levels have enough time in the spotlight to find the right buyer. You can expect your sale to be advertised on several social media sites and forums, on the number one estate sale website in the country, through targeted emails, and we also utilize directional sale signs.

17. Do you have references?

We have many satisfied clients. Check out Our Testimonials page to see more.